all about moi

My name is Caitlin Smith and I am a recent graduate of Texas Tech University. As I am job searching, I decided I could occupy some time with starting a food blog. I have been a connoisseur of food ever since I could open my mouth. My family comes from a long history of cooking. From my Dad’s side I get the good home country cooking niche. From my Mom’s side I get the spicy, flavorful, old and new, presentation-filled niche. 
After living abroad in France for 2 years and visiting my family consecutively for 3 more years, I found I had an ever-growing palette. I tried everything from raw oysters, duck pate, mussels, and merquez sausage. Surprisingly, I liked it all. I began trying something new at the local restaurants and thoroughly enjoyed going shopping in the local town markets every Saturday morning. 
On another note, after watching the movie Food Inc. and following up on news reports of America’s food industry, I have become an organic lover. Unfortunately, I do not live in a place where organics are always readily available, especially at restaurants. However, when I have a choice of spending a little more to buy a sustainable food product, I go for it! I’ve shared my views with some close friends and family and I am proud to say, even my Dad asks about “free range chicken” or “cage free eggs” anytime he sits down for our dinner. 
Finally, I hope you enjoy some of the recipes I have to share. I can guarantee if they beat the test of my Mother’s liking, they are a winner. Bon Appétit!

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