Monday, May 7, 2012

Bacon Egg Cheese and Potato Breakfast Burrito

Ever since college, I've always loved breakfast burritos. Late night, late morning.. you know the drill. I believe it was last year that I decided to start making my own in the mornings before class and work. They were so delicious and would keep you full until nearly dinner time. My favorite has always been bacon egg cheese and potato burritos, so that's what I usually stick to. 

Most would probably consider this my "signature" breakfast dish. It's easy to make and if you choose the right ingredients, you can make it with a healthier take on a fast food option. I've always had great compliments from those who have tried it. Now your turn, Enjoy! 

Bacon Egg Cheese and Potato Breakfast Burrito

Serving Size: 
Makes 1 burrito

3/4 cup of frozen hash-browns (I've used shredded but have taken a liking to the larger potatoes) 
2 tbs. oil (I generally use Olive Oil or Grape Seed Oil for a healthier option but Canola and Vegetable Oil work too)
1 large egg 
1 tbs. milk (low fat is best) 
1 strip of bacon (I've used turkey bacon but if you like it crispy, make sure it is the thinnest cut)
1/4 cup shredded cheese 
1 tortilla (I use a low carb choice for a healthier alternative)
2-3 tsp of season salt or just salt and pepper
Pam (buttering spray)

3 Skillets

Prepare: 5 minutes
Cook: 10 minutes

Start with the frozen potatoes because they take the longest to cook. Place your first skillet on the stove and add about 2 tbs. of oil to it. Cook on medium heat. After the oil has warmed up, place the frozen potatoes into the skillet. These will take about 8 minutes to cook. You will know when they are finished by their crispy brown color. I usually add 1-2 tsp of cajun season salt to them, as well. If you do not like spicy, just season with salt and pepper to your taste. Once finished, allow to dry on a paper towel to rid any extra oil.

While the potatoes have started cooking, place your second skillet on the stove and add your strip(s) of bacon to it. Again, cook on medium heat. Just flip them over after a couple of minutes until they are browned on both sides and become crispy. Once they are finished cooking, place them on a paper towel to rid any extra grease. 

After you have the potatoes and bacon cooking, it's time to multi-task with the egg. Crack the large egg into a bowl and add the 1 tbs. of milk to it. Mix these together with a whisk or a fork. I usually add some cajun season salt to these as well, but salt and pepper will do. 

Next, place the 3rd skillet onto the stove and spray with Pam or other choice for greasing the skillet. Place the egg mixture into the skillet and cook over medium heat. These scrambled eggs do not take more than 2 minutes at most. Using a spatula, keep turning them until they have formed together and are fully cooked. 

Lastly, while the egg is nearing done, dampen a paper towel and put the tortilla(s) under it. Warm in the microwave for about 10-12 seconds. Remove the paper towel and then begin to add your finished egg, potatoes, bacon, and finally, the cheese. 

I have an extraordinarily weird obsession with ketchup and like to pair mine with that. However, fresh salsa is always a great choice! 

To make this the healthiest option, I would use a low-carb tortilla, low fat or organic cheese, turkey bacon or organic bacon, low fat milk, olive oil or grape seed oil, and make sure to drain excess oil off of the bacon and potatoes. 

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