Thursday, May 3, 2012

Strawberry Kiwi Banana-Pom Smoothie

I've been meaning to try out some smoothie recipes and today I decided I would start the day off right with a fruit-filled smoothie. I've heard that starting off with a frozen banana is a healthy way to replace the  frozen yogurt/ ice cream/ and sorbets that are commonly used in making smoothies. From there, I gathered  everything I could find in my fridge that "might taste good." Surely enough, my judgement worked and I had a healthy fruit-filled smoothie that has plenty of protein to hold me over while I am preparing for my interview later today. 

Strawberry Kiwi Banana-Pom Smoothie

1 frozen banana
1 serving of your choice of yogurt (I used Activia Greek Pomegranate and Berry yogurt)
1 kiwi
2 strawberries

Vegetable Peeler

Prepare: 10 minutes

Start off with a frozen banana. This is what keeps the smoothie staying cold and gives it that ice-y texture. You might have to run it under some water to get the peel off. I went ahead and used a vegetable peeler to make sure I got off the whole peel. Next, using the vegetable peeler again, I took the rind off of the kiwi. Then, cut off the tops of the strawberries and add them also to the blender. Finally, add your choice of yogurt and start blending! 

Initially, you can choose whatever fruits and yogurt you like and it will come out great. You might even skip the yogurt if you are watching carbs because the banana has enough to hold you over as it is. It's a great way to get a healthy start to your morning!

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